2022 Flu Vaccination Checker
Members are reminded that ALL EQUINES must have flu vaccinations and that they are up to date with Annual vaccinations. The most common reason for not being able to compete is that the first 3 primary injections have not been administered within required dates, please use the BRC website fluvac checker.
The rule book states that:
Each horse must have a valid vaccination certificate, which undeniably relates to that horse, completed, signed and stamped on each line by a veterinary surgeon, who is not the owner of the animal. Microchips must be inserted.
None of these injections must be given within the preceding 7 days, including the day of competition or entry into the competition stables.
Please click on the link below to access the Flu Vaccination Checker provided by the British Riding Clubs
2023 BRC Body Protector Standards (THE 2009 LABEL IS NO LONGER ACCEPTED MUST BE 2018 OR LATER)
We have just added the 2023 Hat Tagging and 2023 Body Protector standards guides to our site for download.
Please read through and familiarise yourself with the standards you will be required to meet for competing in 2022!
2023 BRC Hat Tagging Guide for Competitors are NEW (PAS 015(1998) Snell E2001 are no longer allowed )
PAS 015 (2011 WITH A kKTE MARK and SnellE2016 are still acceptable please see full list
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British Riding Clubs – Handbook
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